Welcome to Paris Drug Store Company

Success is a Journey not a Destination

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About Us

Paris Drug Store Company puts particular emphasis on providing first and foremost a personalized service for its customers therefore, we make an effort in finding the right formula to ensure every project's success.


• Marketing & Distribution Agent of  Pharmaceutical  Brands
• Marketing Consultancy

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Our Therapy Areas
• Dermatology
• Gastroenterology
• Neurology
• Quality of life improving


Natural Herb Medicine

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Officina Farmaceutica Italiana SpaProduct 

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Our latest products 


Pharmacovigilance (PV) plays a key role in the healthcare system through assessment, monitoring, and discovery of interactions amongst drugs and their effects on humans. Pharmaceutical and biotechnological medicines are designed to cure, prevent or treat diseases; however, there are also risks particularly adverse drug reactions (ADRs) that can cause serious harm to patients.

Thus, for medication safety ADRs monitoring is required for each medicine throughout its life cycle, during the development of the drugs such as pre-marketing including early stages of drug design, clinical trials, and post-marketing surveillance. PV is concerned with the detection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of ADRs If you witness any kind of ADRs related to our medications, kindly e-mail us at the following email address:

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Useful Quick Links

Sharing a useful links that support our business.

FDA Jordan


European medical agency


Ministry Of Health  Jordan


Digital Economy Jordan Ministry


World Health Organization



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